bjarke de koning


2024: Cheferne episode 8, Blu

2024: Hvem Byder Bedst season 6, Blu

2024: Dronningeriget episode 2, DR

2024: Paradise Hotel 21, Mastiff

2024: Sladderhistorie season 2, DR

2023: Paradise Hotel 20, Mastiff

2023: Content for NHL, ESL R1, eDivisie, eAllsvenskan, etc. DreamHack Sports Games
Living The Dream: Porsche Coanda Esports

2022: FBOY Island, Warner Bros. International Television Production,Denmark

2022: Tre sultne mænd, episode 5, Strong Productions

2022: Paradise season 2, Mastiff Tv

2022: Fede forhold: Season 4 episode 4, 5 and 6, STV

2022: Kongehuset i Grønland, Express TV-Produktion/DR Kultur

2022: NHL 22 SoMe content, DreamHack Sports Games

2021: Bachelor 2 casting spots, Warner Bros ITVP Denmark

2021: Promo, STV

2021: I den søde juletid 5, Nordisk Film Tv

2021: Emili & Mads Emil, The Bunch

2021: De dyre piger, season 1, Blu

2020: Først gift, Strong Productions

2020: Efterforskerne, Eddy Media

2020: Hvem byder bedst 2, Tv2 & Tv2 Fri

2020: The Olsens 2, Blu (nominated for ‘Bedste karakterdrevne serie’ at Tv-prisen 2021)

2020: 3 x Beliggenhed – Sommerhuse, Mastiff Tv

2020: Drengerøv i verdensklasse, Blu

2020: The Olsens, Blu

2019: Abort eller baby, episode 1, 2 (co-editor) and 3, Eddy Media (nominated for ‘Bedste reportageserie’ at Tv-prisen 2021)

2019: Sukkerchok season 2, Nordisk Film Tv

2019: Indslag til Knæk Cancer 2019, Nordisk Film Tv

2019: Vores allesammens Dannebrog (the first three VTRs). DR Historie

2019: Paradise Hotel 16, Mastiff Tv

2019: Beliggenhed, Beliggenhed, Beliggenhed. Season 8. Episode 5 & 6. Mastiff Tv

2018-19: Mit Hemmelige Match, Episode 1, 2 (co-editor), 4 (co-editor), 5 and 7. Mastiff Tv

2018: Mere voksen end Bjerrehuus, episode 2 (co-editor) and 3, DR Ung

2018: Martin Jensen, 3 min SoMe video, DR Ung

2018: Simons Superkræfter ” Superstyrke“, DR Historie

2018: Ku’ godt må godt episode 5 (co-editor), DR Ung

2018: De første kærester episode 1 (co-editor) and espisode 3, DR Ung

2018: Baseboys season 2, episode 1 & 2, DR Drama / B&U

2018: Uropatruljen – politiets hårde hunde, episode 1, 2 and 3.

2018: Promo: Alt for kliken, DR Ung

2018: Promo: Hunkøn, DR Ung

2018: Hele Danmark Fejrer Kronprinsen (en hyldest til prins Henrik ), DR Event

2018: En prins finder sig selv (1:2), DR Historie

2018: Billed Bladet vs. Se & Hør, episode 3 and 4, DR Historie

2018: Fartjagt episode 5 and 6 (scenes) and episode 7, Bullhouse

2017: Sportsgalla 2017. DR Sporten

2017: Vejret på DR2, episode 51, DR Ung

2017: Hjemløs på Instagram, episode 2 (co-editor), DR Ung

2017: Kigger på mennesker, DR Ung

2017: Nærkontakt season 2, episode 3, 5, 7, Monday

2017: Taler du kropssprog? Episode 1, 3, 5 and 7. DR Ung

2017: Renovering (short film)

2017: Flugten Fra Det Lette Liv, DR Ung

2017: Martins Mission, DR Ung

2017: Promo: Gulddreng vs. Malte, DR Ung

2016-17: I Trentemøllers Rige 1 and 3, DR Ung

2016: Adrenalinjægerne, DR Ung

2016: Forsidefruer, season 1, episode 6, Blu

2016: Vi Er Scarlet Pleasure, episode 1-4, DR Ung

2016: 4-listen, Bullhouse

2016: De smukke drenge, episode 3 and 5, DR Ung

2016: Designpigerne – Outfit of the Day, season 1, Bullhouse

2016: ThrillOmeter, Shoot Happens

2016: Mord på film, DR Videnskab

2016: Helt i skoven, Mastiff

2015: De beskidte helte 2, United

2015: 5. Halvleg, season 1, Snowman

2015: Jeg er en celebrity… Få mig væk herfra!, United

2015: Den sidste pige (short film)

2015: Dit hjem i vores hænder 2, Strix

2014-15: Det perfekte match, Strix

2014: Flimmerland, Strix

2014: Slip køterne løs, Strix

2014: Dit hjem i vores hænder, Strix

2014: Jeopardy, Strix

2014: Panik 112, Strix

2014: #nethaderne, casting spot, Strix

2014: I vanens magt, Strix

2014: Fældende Beviser, Strix

2013: Promo: Married at First Sight (US promo), Snowman

2013: Sådan er det bare, Strix

2013: Lidt for blond / Too blonde at Winter Film Awards

2013: Ronni Garner ft. Linse Kessler – Lidt for blond (music video). Dekoning
Selected for the Winter Film Awards in New York City.

2013: Muri & Mario – Venner eller fjender (music video). Dekoning

2013: Hvem bor hvor?, Strix

2013: Historien om Rytme Pede part 1-3, Dekoning

2013: Rytme Pede – Horny (music video). Dekoning
Selected for the Arpa International Film Festival
and the Action On Film International Film Festival in LA, USA.

2013: Muri & Mario – Mambo (music video). Dekoning

2012: Masterchef 3, Metronome

2012: Fristet – Hvor langt vil du gå? 2, Nordisk Film Tv

2012: 4 Stjerners Middag 5, SBS-Tv

2012: Familien fra Holtewood, Strix

2012: Royal Copenhagen presentation film. Dekoning

2011-2012: Paradise Hotel 8, Mastiff

2011: Voice – Danmarks største stemme, season 1, Nordisk Film Tv

2011: Fristet – Hvor langt vil du gå?, Nordisk Film Tv
I edited the scene where Sy Lee performs “Fristet sangen”.

2011: Paradise After Dark, Viasat Sport

2011: Toppen af Poppen, Mastiff

2011: Amalies Verden season 2, trailer. Mastiff

2010: Ugen hvor kvinderne byttede mænd, season 1 (assistant editor), Nordisk Film Tv

2010: 4 Stjerners Middag saeson 1+2, SBS-Tv

2009: Muri & Mario – Mio Amore (music video), Dekoning

2007-2009: Assistant editor at DR Fiction.
– Editor behind the scenes of Pagten, DR1.
– Editor Bingoland , DR2.
– Assistant editor on Forbrydelsen season 1+2, Sommer, Tjenesten, Livvagterne, Mille, Forbrydelsen II and Pagten.

2007: Assistant editor at Cubaton by Daniel Fridell.

2007: Assistant editor. “Projekt X”, Bastard Film.

2007: Editor of 3 Carlsberg branding videos, Bastard Film.

2005-07: Fulltime editor and cameraman, Genmedia Group Aps. Cooperate and commercials. Editing and shooting for TDC, Nokia, Radio NRJ, Equinox, Schneider Electric A/S etc.

2006: Assistant editor at “Projekt K”. Thura Film.

2004-2005: Assistant Editor
Christoffer Boe’s, Allegro with Helena Christensen and Ulrich Thomsen.
Christoffer Boe’s, Offscreen with Nicolas Bro.
Assistant editor for Peter Brandt and Adam Nielsen on several music videos, commercials and trailers.

2004: Putuni music video by the Danish cult band Ikscheltaschel, which opened the Roskilde Festival, and was broadcast on the national TV channel DR1. Directed by Michael Noer.

2004: Assistant Editor at Asger Leth’s Ghosts of Cite Soleil.

2003-04: European Film College, Denmark.
Participated in more than 12 film projects mainly as an editor.
Edited one of the final projects, screened at DK4 national TV.

2002-03: Runner at the advertising agency DDB Copenhagen.